Control flow

For a:Boolean and b:Boolean, conditionals can be written as follows:

if a {
  // do something
} else if b {
  // do something
} else {
  // do something
where zero or more else if blocks may appear, and zero or one else block.


Parentheses around the conditions are optional, i.e. if you can write if a { ... } or if (a) { ... }. The same applies to the loop structures below.

Conditional loops are written as:

while a {
  // do something
do {
  // do something
} while a;
For loops are written as:
for a in b..c {
  // do something
where a will be declared as a new variable of Integer type, and b and c evaluate to Integer type, with b <= c.


It is not possible to iterate backward simply by setting b > c.